How did our Landcruiser go from Cali Lean to Towing Queen?
How did our Landcruiser go from Cali Lean to Towing Queen?
Airbag Man Airbags!
Yep, there it is, short and sweet and right at the beginning of our article.
For anyone who would like a little more detail, please read on.
We have a 2004 Toyota Landcruiser, she is a wagon and is our trusty tow car. When we travel to races or are taking the truck somewhere, it is the cruiser who does the work.
Our trailer is custom, one-of-a-kind, and built by us. So we were able to build it to suit our needs, a long draw bar, fits the trophy ute perfectly and has room for spare tyres, fuel and other race needs.
In the early days, we noticed once we were all packed that the Landcruiser had a certain slant. But there wasn’t much we could do, we are strict on how much we pack and how we balance that weight over the trailer and car. It’s a long drive from Darwin to Alice Springs, so we ensure the load is as safe as possible.
To combat that ‘Cali lean’, we installed a set of the Airbag Man airbags in the rear. This has provided the support and extra reinforcement that 20 year old suspension was lacking.
Now when we are towing, all we do is stiffen up the airbags and we are good to go. The ride in the car has improved and the safety of our trip is tenfold better. Our trailer chains, the trailer plug, and tow hitch are all at a much better angle, nothing scrapes like it used to.
Then once we reach our destination and unhitch, it’s quick and easy to let some air out and relax the airbags for a better around town driving experience.
If you are on the fence about Airbag Man, then let this be a sign you should go for it!
Our Team Partner, Bully’s Offroad, is a stockist. So contact them and get yourself sorted.